Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The FB

It is really amazing how facebook become instrumental in connecting people. Imagine confirming a friend request from your elementary classmate whom you haven't seen in almost three decades! And how appearances change... One of our batchmates in highschool had the time to create a website for the batch and posted before and after pics, whoaa... from about 16 years old to late thirties... it really is an entertaining post.. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Change of heart :)

wow, haven't blog for a while... all my past posts were all about statistics, well primarily i want this blog to be all about my job. But now am changing my mind, i will be blogging on any topic that i find interesting or important in my life, after all, the main title of my blog is - random blogging.. so i'll just blog "randomly" :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Statisticians Affect the World

I chance upon this article:

AP Impact: Statisticians reject global cooling

This is a good read for all to recognize the value of statistics in our everyday lives. A good read also for all statistics students, some sort of warning for them to be careful when analyzing and interpreting data. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Graphs or Tables

When do we use graphs? When do we use tables?

Which is more appropriate -- a graph or a table?

Simple rule: If you want to present details or values from your data - use tables.
If you want to present a trend - use graphs.

Here's a good write-up on the use of graphs and tables for presentation purposes: